Saturday 14 November 2020

V.7 Answer the following questions by arranging the letters used as a clue.

V.6 Find the Proverb for the given explanation.

V.5. Pair the opposites.

V.4 Find out the nearest meaning.

V.3 Put the word in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.

V.2 Complete the paragraph using the words from the options given.

V.1 Select the sentence with the nearest meaning.


STD-10 VOCABULARY GAMES (READ-10) Test of True Love

V.1 Select the sentence with the nearest meaning. 

V.2 Complete the paragraph using the words from the options given.

V.3 Put the word in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.

V.4 Find out the nearest meaning.

V.5. Pair the opposites.

V.6 Find the Proverb for the given explanation.

V.7 Answer the following questions by arranging the letters used as a clue.

V.6 Use the word in bold letters and select the word which has suffix to make a meaningful sentence.

V.5 Put the correct word in the box to make the sentences meaningful.

V.4 Select the correct word.

V.3 Find the antonym in wordsearch for the word.

V.2 Read the sentence and put it into correct characteristic box.